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Align People, Strategy, and Results

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Tool Trusted by 350,000 Users around the globe

Synergita's market-leading features include:
Best features of synergita
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    Planning and Tracking
    Indicate overall progress toward achieving objectives.Visualize and evaluate outcomes that are in line with the desired business objectives.
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    Frequent Check-ins and Evaluation
    Regular conversations and between managers and employees on employee progress and timely coaching to empower individuals.
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    Smart Dashboard
    Provides management with clear and concise progress reports comprising metrics and helps them track deviations ahead of time.
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    Create an Effective Strategy
    The OKR framework enables managers to take necessary actions and inculcate the right methodology that works for the team.
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    Rewards and Recognition
    Our continuous recognition and rewards system improves employee performance, motivates them to stay on track, and helps them maintain a positive attitude.
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    A Collaborative Workforce
    Companies can now achieve the power of a strong collaborative workforce where growth and innovation are in alignment with periodic feedback and check-ins.

With our best OKR software, you can create an aligned workforce and reach new heights.

More Reasons for you to Choose Synergita Software

Simple & Straightforward

Synergita OKR is simple and straightforward, making it easy for first-time users.

Fail-safe Framework to Align Teamwork

Synergita OKR framework, with its top-down and bottom-up alignment models, drives a unified, progressive, and result-driven team.

Analyze Progress to Boost Results

Synergita’s tool precisely analyzes your real-time progress and visually highlights the actual and expected trajectories and lead/lag status.

Maximize Focus with A Minimalist Tool

Synergita OKR helps you maximise your focus on what matters most by aligning individual and team objectives with company objectives with the precise framework you need.

No Complexity to Overwhelm You

Complex features and processes restrict you from experiencing the power of OKR. Our deep research on OKR and UX helps you achieve more through simple yet powerful OKR.

No Chasing of Vanity Metrics

Simple analytical reports that help you analyse the progress or lack thereof of OKRs help you focus on the best solution. We promise not to bury you in vanity metrics that disrupt your rhythm.