8 Quick Tips to Crack This Year’s Appraisal

We are all working remotely, from home, in a small village, or in a car that is parked on the riverside. This is the new normal today, but there has been no change in the business processes because businesses always innovate to sustain and thrive in any kind of storm. That is one of the strengths of organizations, especially the IT sector. Besides, the organizations’ reliance on technology has increased multifold in this pandemic. All the business processes have been automated, and the operations are being carried out digitally.  

The performance review process is no exception. The appraisal time is around the corner, and it will take place with the help of technology. But for the performance appraisal process to be successful in any company, effective performance management software should be implemented to store the data on employee performance throughout the year to avoid recency effect and manager bias. Besides, the software will recommend different development plans tailored to each employee after every continuous feedback session.  

Performance Appraisal is Definitely the Worst of Nightmares in this Pandemic – Know Why 

Have you ever asked a manager whether they like the performance review process? 

A report asserts that around 70% of managers dislike the current appraisal system as they have to meet the team members and talk about their performance. There are straightforward managers, who deliver the feedback flagrantly. This implies that those managers need leadership training to master the art of feedback delivery. The rest of the managers provide neutral feedback as they do not want to get on the bad side of the employees. 

If this was the situation when things were normal and face-to-face interactions happened often, imagine now. 

What the performance appraisal would be like in this remote environment? 

The employees were already anxious as they did not know how they perform. But, performance appraisal now? Really? This will create a lot of mental stress on the employees.  

But there are ways out. Following these quick tips can help employees and also employers handle the appraisal process well. 

Understanding the Current Scenario 

Employers should understand that the goals set last year are not relevant, and so employees would have taken different decisions to ensure business continuity. Managers should evaluate the employees based on their adaptability to the new working environment, effectiveness in carrying out the new goals, and efforts to keep up the teamwork and collaboration. The first three months in the past year should not be the only criterion the employees should be evaluated on. 

Continuous Performance Review System 

Even General Electric that strongly believed in the annual performance appraisal process started embracing continuous check-ins and other novel modern techniques. Many global organizations are also abandoning their traditional annual appraisal process. The continuous performance management system provides actionable insights and real-time data to get the best out of the workforce. 

Being Receptive to Feedback   

It really doesn’t matter if you are an employee or a manager. If you are given feedback, you should be open enough to receive it in a constructive way and use it to improve your skills and work on your areas of improvement. You should consider the performance appraisal process as an opportunity to learn more about yourself, be it your performance or leadership skill. The session should be two-way communication and should not be thought of as a session to criticize. 

Self-Evaluation is Important 

The employees should evaluate their performance and get it approved by the manager. Self-evaluation gives an employee a chance to look at his/her performance objectively. He/she can learn about his/her strengths, analyze where things are going wrong, and also plan on how to improve. Knowing about thyself boosts your morale, and you can confront the appraisal with great confidence as you already know where you stand and what to expect. Even if the conversation turns out differently, be patient and respond, do not react. 

Have a Record of Your Achievements 

Technology plays a crucial role in maintaining records, which help to eliminate the recency effect of managers in the performance appraisal process. Employees should have all their achievements, efforts, improvements, and certifications ready before entering the one-on-one session with their respective managers. The data will help the managers remember the path they journeyed together for the past year.  

Prepare a List of Your Aspirations and Goals 

During the appraisal talks, the employees should let the managers know about their aspirations and their goals in the future. The employees should also prepare a list of what training they would like to have and what skills they must develop to perform efficiently and effectively. This preparation will help the managers to see their team members’ career roadmap, and also help them if such an opportunity comes their way. Besides, this preparation will create a positive impression in the managers’ minds, which will be reflected in the ratings of that particular employee. 

Do not Develop a Defensive Attitude 

If the managers feel that the performance of a particular employee is not up to the expectations, the employee should not develop a defensive attitude; instead, he/she should ask the managers politely, “What do you feel is not up to the mark? Are there any suggestions you could make to improve them?” Managers should also be specific when it comes to team members’ areas of improvement. If the employee is not convinced with the answer, he/she can provide his/her views and also prove the level of contribution.  

Look at How Prepared Your Team is 

Managers should also be prepared for the appraisal meetings, but amidst their busy schedule, if they could not prepare, then they should allow the employees to speak about their performance. The managers can ask questions and doubts to the employees based on that. While delivering feedback, the managers should begin with a positive tone and then talk about the areas of improvement. While ending the conversation, they should end with motivating the employee to perform better. 

These tips can help get the best out of the performance appraisals, and also adopting improved techniques like continuous check-ins, 360 degree feedback, OKRs, rewards and recognition, etc., can make a bigger difference in improving the performance of the workforce. The word “improved” is used because these techniques, along with the help of tech tools, provide accurate data and analytics for the management to build strategies and create culture.  

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